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Old 12-14-2005, 07:54 AM
Lone Star Lone Star is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Texas
Posts: 84
200 yards is too far for a revolver IMO. I shot IHMSA silhouette for years out to 220 yards, and big bore revolver bullet drop is pretty great at that range - trying to guess the distance to your animal over rough terrain will make it tough to hit with consistency. Too, the field accuracy of the average revolver isn't up to the task of consistent hits in the boiler room at that range.

Sure there are hunters who do it, and watching some of the best revolver shots in the world shoot creedmore at 200 meters with revolvers makes it seem easy. The reality is that the average guy has trouble just hitting half the rams even when laying down at a known distance, let alone hitting in a vital spot. A scoped T/C in an adequate chambering is a far better choice for hunting mulies at 200 yards. Contenders in 7-30, 6.5JDJ, .30-30 and .309JDJ are good choices, as are Encores in 7-08 and .308.
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