RUM that a fine looking smith. What type holster do you carry that rig with?
The contender needs a sling to carry to the tree stand, Bi-pod, Scope in the 4 power range, Hammer spur so you can cock the hammer with a scope.
I got the contender before the advances in rifled shotgun barrels and sabot rounds to get better distance in this shotgun/Pistol state. In 35 rem I can hit milk jugs at 150 yards real easy out of my summit treestand with the swivel rest. With the bi-pod I can shoot prone in most corn fields. But try to hit a fast walking deer at 30 feet is a challange.
My smoothbore shotgun was good to about 60 yards on a pie plate. The Contender was great addition increasing effective range 2 fold.
Now i can get 150 yards out of my old shotgun with the sabots and a rifled barrrel. So the contender gets use when i want to go light.
I don't know but I've been told it's hard to swim with the weight of gold. On the other hand I have heard it said it's just as hard with the weight of lead.