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Old 12-16-2005, 04:34 PM
tooldummy tooldummy is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2001
Location: Central Illinois
Posts: 449
Sorry to hear of your health problems Cal. I'm diabetic also. Seems to me that everything that happens to you the doctors quickly pass of as complications to diabetis. I truly believe if I told my doctor I was late for my appointment because I had a flat tire, the first thing out of his mouth would be "What's your blood sugar been running" and when I told him high, he would simply say "there you go!".
I have so much trouble with the meds they put me on. And then when I have complications, convinsing them is another problem. The last go around was Actos, which made my legs swell. They got so big they finally busted open and developed sores before he took me off it. To bad he didn't listen to me back in July when I told him I was having problems and he just passed it off.
Time before was glucophage. I couldn't breath with the stuff and they thought I was having a heart attack since heart disease and diabetes goes hand in hand. I had to have a heart catherization done before they believed me about the glucophage. I changed doctors then, but this one isn't any better.
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