i may have exzagerated alittle when i stated he was shooting 8" groups. with a caliber like that id be happy with 2" groups he wasnt shooting that good.
i doubted it was the rifle that was at fault with the large groups. i contemplated seeing if i could squeeze his groups down but quickly changed my mind, theres no reason in the world for me to take that kinda abuse.
as far as living without the wsm, i guess i could live without but then i wouldnt have any exscuse to get another rifle nor. the wsm 270 just calls my name and i want it nad. plus ive got bullets cases and dies already so why not give it a go. i do not have 270win dies nor have i ever loaded for it.
i realy wish the rifle wasnt a gift from my dad. if it werent a gift id probly have it re barreld in 6.5 gibbs. just thinkn of those high bc 140gr bullets gets me drooling at times.
but for right now the 270wsm is tripn my trigger