Thread: skeet, fabs
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Old 01-09-2006, 07:06 AM
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DelDuck DelDuck is offline
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skeet, fabs

And anyone else on the shore or close to it. How have you guys done with the ducks so far this year?? I personnaly have not even bothered going to much caus of the weather. My buddy that hunts the marsh down in west Ocean City said he has not seen very many birds, and he has put out a ton of corn just to get them useing. But the 2 areas he dumped corn, the birds are not useing. He can watch the 2 areas from the golf course he works at, and he told me that they have not been on it yet. Not to say they have not been there but he gets there before light and no birds and leaves at dark , no birds. so the 2 prime times of the day to see the birds on it they are not there. This 50+ degree weather is killing us. I was woundering if you have had the same thing or maybe the birds are staying closer to the big bay.

Now we have a **** ton of snow birds and a fair amount of candadian geese. But they are getting real flighty caus there has been a ton of pressure on them. With no ducks around the boys are staying in the fields shooting geese.

And it seems as if the doves have dissapeared too
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