Thread: skeet, fabs
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Old 01-09-2006, 03:40 PM
skeet skeet is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Northwest Wyoming
Posts: 4,614
Ducks etc

Hi Jay...Fabs... We are seing a lot of puddle ducks here all of a sudden. Started last week. Migrating birds...way up there. We have had a few in the pond where we hunt geese but we really don't shoot them. Farmer asked us not to. Talking around with some of my friends on the shore. One runs an RSA in Dorchester and he has lots of wild birds including teal and woodies. A fellow on my DU commitee just called and told me he is seeing a lot of Blackheads(lesser scaup) and very few cans. The guys on the refuge forum aren't seeing many cans and Redheads either. I haven't had 10 ducks in the pond at home here in 10 days but oh boy do we have the geese. The darn things are getting call shy now too. We still limited out(14) this A M by 0910 but the darn things were tough. Bad wind too so we had to shoot them coming from behind and dropping fast. Tough shooting. Had about 2000 in the CRP ground at home today. Couldn't see their body but could see their heads. Looked funny. Unless we get some cold it looks as though the wild duck shootin this year is gonna be a washout. BTW we have to shoot sometime in the next 4 weeks. After that I will be gone to Wyoming for a month or so. Call me if ya get the chance.

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin
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