Thread: skeet, fabs
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Old 01-11-2006, 01:39 PM
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fabsroman fabsroman is offline
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Maryland
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For the couple of times that Skeet and I have hung out, he is pretty much dead on about me not being able to resist a challenge, especially in my younger years. However, a lot of people say that my wallet squeeks when I open it because I hate to part with money. Knowing that Skeet is a pretty good shooter himself, I think I'll skip on the dollar a bird challenge.

As far as being there, I will be there unless I am dying (i.e., fever). My problem with getting sick is that I got bronchitis once when I was 18 during a bike race in Central Park, New York in March and I am much more susceptible to lung infections now. The weather was warm in Maryland right before I left, so I didn't bother to pack much winter gear. However, it was snowing in New York when we got there that night and being young and stupid, I had to race the next morning. I did well, but felt like complete crap afterward. The team manager took us to another race in Philly on the way home and I passed on it and stayed in the van. Well, being a hard head like I am, I continued to train and race because we had a pretty hectic schedule and I was doing rather well at first even though I was sick. After about a month of this, I finally went to the doctor to find out that I had a severe case of bronchitis and was just a step away from walking pneumonia. Since then, I have had pneumonia once more which was accompanied by a 104 degree fever, but that was during a December when they were working me to death at the firm and I was hunting as hard as I possibly could. I have learned my lesson since then, work for myself and hunt in moderation.

As far as the city boy, country boy thing, it seems I cannot win. My friends from the city think I live in the country and my friends from the country think I live in the city. Oh well, I guess you can say I have the best of both worlds.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.
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