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Old 01-27-2006, 12:14 PM
Bullseye 2 Bullseye 2 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: San Antonio, Tx
Posts: 3
Not one of the new sub moa's, but I purchased my Vanguard in 7mag back in 1984, put a bell carlson synthetic stock on it, had the trigger reduced to 2 lbs, glass bedded and a Kleingunther muzzle brake.

Now has the recoil of what feels like a 222 and holds half inch or less groups with near max loads.

I paid $319 for it, new in the box.

If I buy another rifle any time soon, it will be a Howa. Same gun, but almost $200 cheaper than the Weatherby. My brother has a 22-250 Howa and it punches 1/4-3/8 inch groups with factory ammo.

Good shooting,
you can't go wrong with either

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