S&W M&P Model
I first posted a question about this "new" S&W semi-auto handgun back in November. Didn't get any replies then, so I'll give it another try.
Check out the March issue of American Rifleman. Author Wiley Clapp fawns all over the M&P as if it was the newest thing since sliced bread. Funny, he never mentions the S&W Sigma, yet the M&P has an almost identical appearance.
At a gun show last week I fondled an M&P. It was okay but priced at almost $600 while the Sigmas can still be had for around $300. Can anyone tell he what features the M&P has that would justify that stiff price?
PS: A side issue: I would like to write the American Rifleman about this issue but can't find any address, email or postal, where I can send the letter. The have a letter-to-the-editor section but don't say how you can contact them.