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Old 03-07-2006, 08:01 AM
ardeekay ardeekay is offline
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: florida
Posts: 1
mossberg 100 atr

I bought one, in .270, got it home, and the bolt came out of the gun...(broken part...) so it was either go thru the store, or call manufacturer... I called the factory, and they sent me part 3 and part 4 to repair the rifle... all is now well... But, it was 'touch-n-go' to buy the thing in the first place... they got funny rules in wal-mart stores.. a customer cannot handle a gun until the purchase is made, and they hand it to you out in the parking lot... if I could have handled the rifle, I would have found the faulty bolt stop.. i understand that the Mossberg 100's are sold exclusively at wal-mart stores... otherwise I would have went thru a local gun-shop even if it cost a bit more.... Bob
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