I'm just curious as to what folks think about the market value of the Model 70 (pre-64 as well as current) with the halting of production on this model by Winchester.
I have never personally owned one but did have the opportunity to shoot a friend's pre64- 70 (Classic model, I believe)in 30.06 and was impressed with the accuracy and overall fit and feel of the rifle. Am I correct also in that the pre 64's had the barrels cut rifled in their manufacturing process which ultimately proved cost prohibitive by Winchester and is attributes to the better shot groupings when compared to the modern Model 70's? Were there also differences in the claw extractor?
I've wondered as to whether another company will take up these models (along with the Model 94) at some point down the road. I don't really have a "need" for another bolt gun but wouldn't mind owning a little piece of history. On one hand, there are a bizillion of these things out in circulation from hunters throughout the generations, however, it stands to reason that once the factory stops these offerings, the value would be increased.
I am not and spose could never be a collector because I would need to shoot whatever hardware takes up residence in my gunsafe. That's just how it is with me

Still though...I am a little sappy about these models going away.
As always folks, appreciate all of your insightful commentary1