I checked all of the local shops and they are pretty well cleaned out of any of the 70 models with wood stocks-only synthetics are left in scarce caliber offerings.
One of the calls that I made yesterday was to my states BPS. Timing is everything. The department manager just put the last Model 70 Featherweight Classic back out on the rack after somebody had placed it on "hold" for the past couple of weeks-promising to return with cash but never coming back.
After considering my monthly budget allowance offerings, I pleaded my case successfully with my wife and drove down to take a look at it. If it shoots half as good as it looks, I'll be a happy camper!

The action is very smooth and the wood is really very nice with very sharp,deep checkering. The bluing also looked very well done. I thought it was a good value for the money.
I purchased it for $630 which also seemed considerably cheaper than the offerings I have seen on the online auction-selling sites.
I pick it up tomorrow and am hoping to get it out to the range on Sunday but don't know if I will with my "New and Improved" honey-do list!
Oh well...I suppose that it's only fair. As far as I'm concerned, as long as you can afford a new rifle without putting yourself in hock, any excuse to add to your shootin' irons is a good one.
I guess that I found mine!

Thanks for the input (as always folks!)