Howdy Evan,
Ya know, I would question the BT, but having said that, at the velocity you mention it may well just be the ticket.
I use BTs only for yotes and deer in a 270. I shot a deer quartering aware, the bullet went through almost 2 feet of deer from just in front of right ham into the off shoulder. It shed its core somewhere along the line. Was a bang-flop. Muzzle velocity was 3200 and distance was 110 yds.
The Nosler BT acts pretty much, in my experience, the same as the Sierra 130gr boattail. I shot a moose through both shoulder blades at about 70 yds with the sierra. Complete penetration. It did one heck of a job.
Shot another deer w/the Sierra at a really long distance. The bullet's path was the exact opposite of the one mentioned above. This one also shed its core, even at well over 500 yds. It mushroomed nicely back about half the bullet length. The BT at 110 yds mushroomed clear back to the front of the boat tail.
Having said all of that, I guess I wouldn't hesitate using the 180 BT in 30 cal on elk.
Also think of how many elk have been killed with the 150 grain sierra. The 180 BT has got to be better than that.
Try shooting between the ribs