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Old 03-26-2006, 03:18 PM
wages wages is offline
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 14
I've been wearing scent lok for several years now. Here's my take on it.

I spend most of my time in the woods bowhunting. This past season alone I can think of eight deer that I had come within 10 ft of me, one paid the price, the rest I didn't take. Of those there were two occurances where does walked 3 feet from me while I was hunting on the ground, as well as a Coyote that trotted by within 10 yrds of me while I was on the ground.

Can I say that scent lok is the reason I can get in close to the critters? Well, no I can't. I put a lot of energy in to scent control, I use unscented deoderant, shampoo, and soap from Sept. to Dec. And I don't mean just when I go out to hunt, I mean all the time, everyday through out hunting season. I pay attention to wind but I won't let it keep me off a stand if I think everything else is right. I let a lot of deer walk by through out the season, and I watch how they react. That's just how I like to hunt.

Now here's the kicker. With all of that said, ocasionally I still get busted. It happened once this year. Scent lok and all, I had one hit that invisible wall down wind of me and just lock up. She gave every indication that she smelled me. How? I can't say, that's deer hunting.
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