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Old 04-12-2006, 09:00 AM
DarryH DarryH is offline
Join Date: May 2001
Location: Nebraska
Posts: 32
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the Beeman R9 is made by Weiruach in Germany. It has a superb adjustable trigger, superb accuracy, and in 20 caliber, will kill rabbits and squirrels cleanly out to about 35 yards.

The HW77 and RWS sidelevers are much heavier, and not fun to carry for long periods. Both are great guns with the HW being the lower powered of the two, so go with .20 or .22 caliber.
The RWS sidelevers are very powerful....177-1100fps,
22-900fps, .25-750fps. The RWS trigger is more than good enough, even if the other two are a bit better.

Don't sweat the difference in accuracy between a barrel break,
side lever, or under-lever. we are talking group sizes for all that differ by about 3/100th of an inch. I have owned all three, I currently have the R9 in .20 and the RWS 54 recoiless in .177.
The RWS 54 is for sale, what does that tell you.

E-mail if you want to talk more.
Good Shootin!!
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