Ok now, this is what we do all the time, take frog and lay down on board like butcher block, with ax grab his front legs chop his head off down around his mid-section , grab his feet and with thumb and first finger squeeze his guts out of his belly, have two five gallon buckets filled with water, after squeezing his guts out throw him in one of the buckets...when you got a mess of them in there, take the nozzle of the hose and place under water to swirl the frogs around, this gets the slime off of them and dislodges any debris in their guts. then take a pair of pliers and pull the skin down over feet, this will all come off in one piece. Throw him in the second bucket, insert nozzle and swirl the water, they should be nice and clean and should be able to be zip-locked bagged, I separate them by small medium and large frogs, they are easier to cook like that...I also take a pair of scissors and cut their feet off, can put more in a batch that way...
PS take the frog guts and bury them around your fruit or rose bushes, but bury them deep, I have never smelled anything as bad as frog guts after a couple of days....
frogs and dogs....