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Old 05-07-2006, 11:05 PM
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fabsroman fabsroman is offline
Join Date: Nov 2001
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Took the entire action apart tonight. Took the bolt out of the gun and might have found the problem. I used bluye Loctite on the scope base screws and it appears that some of it leaked down onto the bolt, right smack in the middle where the firing pin lays. So, I soaked the bolt and firing pin in some crud cutting formula that I use on car parts and the firing pin action sounds louder now when I pull the trigger on a dry fire. So, I am hoping that was the problem. If not, I'll be buying a new hammer spring and a new firing pin from Volquartsen.

I checked the hammer spring strength of the Volquartsen TG2000 against the stock hammer spring strength by trying to pull the hammers back by hand with both of them out of the gun. The stock one seems to be a little tougher to pull back, but it has also been stored in the cocked position all these years. Plus, I think the Volquartsen still has enough power to sufficiently dent the primer on those rims.

I'm going to try to get back to the range tomorrow and see what happens. Hopefully, I will only get one or two misfires out of 100, but who knows. I'll post the results if I get out.
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