And the dillemma continues. Took the rifle to the range on Sunday, and it misfired on 40+ out of 100 CCI standard velocity rounds with the lead bullet and it misfired on 17 out of 100 CCI high velocity rounds with the copper plated bullet, but it fired all but 4 of those 17 misfired rounds on the second try.
I inspected all of the misfired rounds, and it looked as though a mark was being made on the bullet of each round. The mark almost looked like there was some type of head spacing problem (i.e., the bullet was being jammed into the lands/rifling).
Today, I scrubbed out the barrel with a copper brush. That is about the only thing I cannot remember doing to the barrel before putting it on, but I seriously doubt I would have put a new barrel on the gun without cleaning it. I also cycled a couple of CCI Velocitors through the gun and looked at the bolt through the magazine well. It looked like everything was fine. I also inspected the bullets after they were extracted, and there was no mark on them. Even made sure to cycle a couple through the clip to see if the clip was making the mark on the bullets, but there were no marks on these Velocitors.
This thing really has me baffled. I am going to give it one more try at the range this weekend. I was so frustrated that I almost took it out back and fired off a couple of Velocitors to see if the problem was solved, but I decided that it wasn't worth going to jail over.
If this gun doesn't work this weekend, I might out the old barrel in the gun and see how it works. I know it shoots like crap, but I just want to see if the gun cycles reliably with the old barrel. If it does, I'll be contacting Green Mountain.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.