Bowhunting Musk Ox
Just saw a brief part of a show on musk ox hunting with a bow. Some lady was hunting the animal and I must say that it made me sick to my stomach. Not that she was a woman, but that it took quite a while for the ox to die. She put the first arrow in pretty good, but half of the arrow was sticking out of the animal. Then, she drew and wasn't able to get a shot because the ox turned to face her. So, she had to pull it down. There was a cut in the film and then I got to see her do it again. After she let it down a second time, there was another cut. Finally, she got a second arrow into the ox on the other side of it, but it still didn't drop. Another cut in the filming and then it fell over, but it was nowhere close to where it was after the last cut.
I was feeling pretty sorry for the animal and was hoping that it would charge the huntress and her guide and tear them to pieces.
How big is too big of an animal to use a bow on? I have seen bows used on grizzlies, so I guess the animal can be pretty big. Is there any size where it becomes unethical. Has anybody ever heard of an elephant or cape buffalo being killed with a bow? How about a moose? I would assume that a bow could be used on almost any animal in North America, but what about Africa and other places?
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.