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Old 06-26-2006, 02:18 PM
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fabsroman fabsroman is offline
Join Date: Nov 2001
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I didn't see that show, but how can he determine it is the same buck he shot a couple of weeks earlier, yet not think the deer could have lived for two weeks after the shot. A friend of mine shot a deer right in the nose. The deer looked up at him when he let the arrow fly and it hit her right in the nose. They tried to track it all day, but it was really tough because the blood wasn't in a straight line. They think it was because she was shaking her head trying to get the arrow out and the blood was going everywhere.

Yeah, making mistakes while hunting sucks. I am guilty of my share too and they bother me plenty. I have only gut shot a single deer, and thinking about it makes me sick. Closing the distance to put her out of her misery was all I could think of, and that shot was made at 250 yards. I dropped the other deer with her dead in its tracks, but I screwed up on her. Can't even begin to tell you about how many birds I have wounded, yet I am still one of the better shots out of the group.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.
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