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Old 06-29-2006, 04:59 AM
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6.5s4ever 6.5s4ever is offline
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Location: Apollo,Pennsylvania
Posts: 432
Thumbs up Im a Five Stand Sporting Clays Addict!!!

Hello Everybody!, Just finished shooting 4 rounds of Five stand last night. My best score so far is 44 out of 50 and I am quite happy with that ! I have put 350 shells through The new Dehaan U1 Over / Under and so far no malfunctions or glitches , I am getting used to the gun a lot faster than I expected and it seems to be working well. We did have a Laporte trap fail on us about 3 weeks ago seems a Printed circuit card went south and I decided to get an extra one in case this happens again. It was under warranty but the parts took over three weeks to get. anybody else have Laporte Traps? Shoot Well! Roy
In its day the six gun was as common as the cell phone, and just as annoying when it went off in the theater! Support Your Local Sportsmens Club and Join the NRA!
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