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Old 07-11-2006, 08:30 AM
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6.5s4ever 6.5s4ever is offline
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They are not bad for the money!,

Duffy, CZ has had some trigger and firing pin issues, but are not bad for the money! They have a five year warranty on them so thats a plus. If I were looking for another over/ under right now I would find a 30" barreled Winchestser Supreme Sporting shotgun in 12ga. This is the best kept secret out there has the best of both Beretta and Brownings designs incorporated into it and is made in Belgium! An excellent gun and if you look real hard you can possibly find one for under $1000.00 on gunsamerica etc...They are well made and will last a lifetime no issues on these guns, Check them out! Roy
In its day the six gun was as common as the cell phone, and just as annoying when it went off in the theater! Support Your Local Sportsmens Club and Join the NRA!
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