Double Ball Loads in the .45 and .50 ML arms
Today I went to the backyard shooting bench with the hound and the .45 T/C Hawken flint rifle and .50 smooth barrel and engaged in pure research. Details below:
I shot 75 grains of 2F Goex and TWO patched roundballs in the .45 and at 65 yards both balls nearly touched on point of aim at the target. I noticed that the PA hunting regulations for the "Primitive Deer Season" after Christmas decree "Single Projectile" in the flinters for deer. Whatever.
The .50 smoothbore and 75 grains of 2F Goex and double patched ball did not hit the target at 65 yards from the bench! At 25 yards both balls hit 5 inches below point of aim. I need to do more research to see if rifling is a factor on point of aim-point of impact with double patched loads.
To be continued......
Adam Helmer