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Old 08-13-2006, 07:10 AM
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roundball roundball is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 190
I experimented with multiple round balls out of a .62cal smoothbore one day, using a home made paper shot cup.

I first tried 4 - .440s but they had so much stagger-stack offset to each other in that big bore that when they exited the muzzle, they all pushed off into different directions...about 18" groups at 40yds.

BUT...using 3 larger .490s, they stood almost straight upright and clustered nice 4-5" group at 40yds.
"Flintlocks.......The Real Deal"
(Claims that 1:48" twists won't shoot PRBs accurately are old wives tales!!)
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