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Old 09-04-2006, 11:44 AM
Brant Buster Brant Buster is offline
Join Date: Sep 2001
Posts: 902
Thanks Catfish ......

What I didn't include until before is that I plan to shoot only .44 Special-type loads or normal .45 Colt loads (14,000 psi) 99% of the time, unless I need to pack a sidearm if in bear country (Idaho and Montana). Then it would be there for any "emergency." Many hunters when packing out meat from the kill site often leave their rifles in camp in favor of carrying a lighter weight handgun.

I like the versatility of the .45 Colt and that lower pressure loads are pleasant yet still substantial, same with the .44 Spl I've seen.

I'm not a big fan of having big guns nor their big recoil for the sake of having something "big," but after reading a couple articles about how wolves have attacked dogs in the company of their people, a .357 seems a little small. A full grown griZZ starts at 500# and a large male can be double that. Of course wolves and lions are smaller.

And BTW Catfish, on another thread I noticed you have a Bullberry .357 Maximum barrel. May I ask what its length is?

On some NEF Handi-Rifle treads I visit, many shooters who own .357 Mag barrels rechamber to the Maximum. Those barrels start out at 22 inches, unless shortened.

I would rather hunt with Dick Cheney than ride in Ted Kennedy's automobile.

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Last edited by Brant Buster; 09-04-2006 at 05:10 PM.
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