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Old 09-22-2006, 05:12 AM
Brant Buster Brant Buster is offline
Join Date: Sep 2001
Posts: 902
REintroductioin of a non-indigenous species! .......

a.k.a. the "grey" wolf.

This non-Rocky Mountain wolf is not native to the lower 48 states!

And the goddamn Clintonistas (shazaam! Bubba!), shoved the reintroduction of the wolf down the throats of Western Americans who depend on making their living 'close to the land,' whether as farmers and ranchers, or big game guides, etc.

Wish we could round up a couple hundred wolves and release them in Central Park, New York, Connetticutt and Massachussetts!

How wopuld thoise goddamn do-gooder yankee easterers like lkiving with their cutsie animals!!?

Yup. The Canadians and Alaskans said "Don't do it!"

And they were 100% correct!

I recently called and talked to Elk Inc., located in Gardner Montana - looking for some Gordon Eastman movies.

Gal said that the elk herds that used to average around 24 to 28 thousand animals in the Gardner area and migration corridors, is less than a third or fourth as plentiful as it once was.

I hate hate the f**king wolf and everyone who supports the effort to use its introduction to rape the West.

Shoot, shovel and shut up. And to hell with "the wolf!"

Next time I'll tell everyone how I really feel.
I would rather hunt with Dick Cheney than ride in Ted Kennedy's automobile.

POLITICAL CORRECTNESS is nothing more than cowardice, group-think and liberal censorship!
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