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Old 09-22-2006, 05:26 AM
Brant Buster Brant Buster is offline
Join Date: Sep 2001
Posts: 902
**Addendum ......

Prior to Bubba Klinton;s quislings and administration plundering the National Park system and American interior, there were rumors that isolated "rocky mountain" or western wolves sometimes still existed ....... As reported by gubmnt hunters, ranchers and other folks who'd know.

Also .......

Canadian Grey Wolf is not the same animal as the Rocky Mountain wolves!

The f**king Klintonista's and other liberals introduced a species that kills EVERYTHING it doesn't like! Inlcuding your family cat or dog or bear hound, your livestock, the indigenous foxes, coyotes, cougars, bobcats and other wolves!.

What does this all mean? If the Rocky Mountain wolf in Wyoming, Idaho and Montana (in the greater Yellowsrtone regions) wasn't totally extint before,


**This is not speculation on my part.

I'm stating things I have read on the Internet, posted by folks from the Western states - namely Wyoming, Idaho and Montana.
I would rather hunt with Dick Cheney than ride in Ted Kennedy's automobile.

POLITICAL CORRECTNESS is nothing more than cowardice, group-think and liberal censorship!
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