Hmm I was going to say that I did not think that Beeman actually made anything but simply re-badged other makers stuff or had it badged by the maker Beeman but someone mentioned that the R9 in simply a Weihrauch rebadged although not in quite those words .
Although I do not have a Weihrauch they are excellent rifles. Back when I was looking I chose the Feinwerkbau Sport 127 in .22 and it has served me very well over the years

I also do not understand about the shooting a barrel in thing

never noticed it with the Feinwerbau nor the BSA Meteor Std I brought new way back. Perhaps they were made better ?
Now as to the barrel cocking verses lever cocking? all my air rifles are barrel cocking and I have yet to notice an accuracy deficiency

the 3rd one is a Haenel mod 302 whihc some day I need to sort out a scope mount for and scope it
