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Old 10-18-2006, 10:18 PM
Tall Shadow Tall Shadow is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Metro Detroit, Michigan
Posts: 282
I did think about a recovery service, but the cost -vs.- the data I would be saving just is too high for me to justify.

While the data was of value to me, it was mostly data for my own personal interests.With >some< important data/documents/information thrown in..Like my bookmarks, some pictures from classic auto celebrations here in the metro Detroit area, hobby interest stuff, reference sites for work & hobbies, documentation for things I was planing on doing (Some day!), info for my hunting trip out to South Dakota next year, Etc.

It will all be missed...It took me (Literally) YEARS to gather it all together....some of it was/is irreplaceable..

Oh, Well....I'm already starting a new batch....What else can I do?

Take Care!
Tall Shadow
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