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Old 10-24-2006, 01:44 PM
Big joe Big joe is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Utah
Posts: 119
HELP... for new predator hunter!!!

I live in Salt Lake City , Utah. I really want to learn to hunt coyotes successfully. I have been out 5 times and have yet to see a coyote. One time I did hear them howling each time I blew the call. Anyway... I have lots of questions... How far from the salt lake area should I drive before the hunting is good? How far from my truck should I walk before I start calling? How far should I walk between setups? What is the best cover scent? Is it a good or bad thing if hawks/ ravens show up while I'm calling??? ANY OTHER INFO you think might help me I would really appreciate!!! I'm all ears !!! Thanks!
Big Joe
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