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Old 10-24-2006, 06:16 PM
Registered User
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: south east ohio
Posts: 383
Big joe, sounds like you are doing OK. This may sound silly, but i find the one thing you need to be successful at calling coyotes is to be where a coyote can hear you call, lol. Buy a siren, or get a tape or CD of one and drive around just before daylight or just after dark and see if any respond to it. If so, then remember where they were and come back to that spot. Learning where they are is half the battle. The one piece of advice i have, others may disagree, is if you are howling as a primary call you need to stay at least an hour, or more. If you are using rabbit distress then you might move after 20-30 minutes. Good luck.
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