I dont know nary a thing bout Texas nor cactus apples...but I do know that there's been a many a wild boar here been the cause of dead chickens but they dont eat em that i know of...might be somethin else gittin em after the kill...like a coon er somethin. I caint even explain why boar would kill chickens...but my uncle's had a similar problem..come to find out..best we could figure...was that the chickens was eatin somethin they wanted or got to close where they was feedin. Uncle killed 3 boar out of the group and the chicken killin stopped fer a while till the big cat started killin em. Most of our chicken killers round here are bobcat, fox, yotes, cougar and the like.
The boar might not be your problem...but just another idea.
Roy is right tho....them ole yotes will eat just bout anything.
"I'm a comin back and I aint comin back ta play marbles!"- Yosemite Sam