Thanks guys! My rifles are an old .45 cal Wesson, a .50 cal T/C Hawkin, and a 58 cal Pedersoli double barrel Kodiak, all cap rifles.
It has been more than 30 yrs since I last fired a muzzleloader, and am simply out of touch with all the "NEW" alternative powders, and the in-lines hold no interest for me at all.
In my state we have a special hunting license, that allows a resident to hunt thousands of acres public, and dedicated private land, not available to nonresident, or non license holders. Unfortunently, many of these quite large hunting areas do not allow the use of regular rifles to hunt deer, and boar. You are limited to muzzle loaders, or shotgun in some of the best ones. I hunt mostly with double rifles, but didn't have a double barrel muzzleloader, so the Pedersoli came home with me, but I haven't shot it. I hate cleaning black powder rifles, and that is the reason I haven't fired any of my black powder rifle in years! I guess I better get poping and boiling out some barrels, if I want to hunt the special license!
.........Mac >>>===(x)===>
If I die today, I've had a life well spent, for I've been to see the elephant, and smelled the smoke of Africa
Double Rifle Shooter's Society