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Old 11-05-2006, 09:22 AM
Andy L Andy L is offline
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Eldon Mo
Posts: 1,916
Part of the problem is the democracy. Our country wasnt formed as a democracy. In the Pledge of Allegience, do you pledge to the democracy for which it stands or the Republic?

We were formed as a Republic, governed by law. Not a democracy, governed by majority rule. Democracy is one step closer to Socialism. Some think thats splitting hairs, but its not. Far from it.

Think about it.

Edit: Just to explain myself. Our country was formed on the basis of a few simple laws. The Constitution. That was supposed to be the supreme law and governing of the Republic. Elected officials were there to make sure the laws were upheld. Not changed or compromised.

We have strayed far from that into a democracy. Where people actually vote on laws and ammendments to laws. Majority rules. Thats not the way it was meant to be folks. Its killing us. Next step is Socialism.

Socialism is where the majority imposes its will on all people. Yall ready for that?

Last edited by Andy L; 11-05-2006 at 09:29 AM.
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