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Old 11-07-2006, 10:21 PM
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fabsroman fabsroman is offline
Join Date: Nov 2001
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Most hunting requires some type of scouting before hunting. Dove hunting is best over cut corn or cut wheat, but it can be pretty good around pine trees come roosting time. If you can find a flyway, it can be really good. A little scouting needs to be done for pheasants too.

Now, the big difference is that it doesn't usually take as much time to scout birds as it does to scout game. With birds, you can see them flying around in the sky. With deer, you have to spend hours and hours looking for them. If I had my own farm, I would probably know where the deer hang around and could assure a youngster a really good chance at a deer. That is what happened with the first deer I killed. I was hunting in the backyard of my dad's friend and he knew that two deer came that way almost every morning. I was 18, and I was hooked on deer hunting after that.

Yeah, I would gladly take a kid out deer hunting, but that post just erks me. Don't be mad at other hunters hunting public land legally, just deal with it. Heck, if those guys were hunting doves and they weren't getting anything out of the corn, they were probably blaming the lousy deer hunters for walking through the corn before sunrise. Everybody makes excuses.

Just hunt and have a good time, even if you have a bad day or an entirely bad season.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.
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