I didn't know when I pasted this in that it would generate such a response. Like I said, you would see some problems with it, and discussion opens some eyes. Best things I heard coming out were hunt some game that provides shooting easier than deer hunting public land, and a hog hunt in OK. I was forunate to live at the edge of town growing up and could hunt from the house from 12 years old. I didn't kill a deer till I was 19, and still hunt the same spot down the road, I own it now, and live across the road from where I grew up. My dad took me hunting once, and for him it meant a walk in the woods with a gun, but it was the only time we did that together, and I remember it 40 years later, that he bought a license, borrowed a shotgun for me, and took me out for an opening day. I think the bonds formed are always more important than game killed, and that is the thing needed for the mom to know.
Born twice,die once!