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Old 11-26-2006, 04:05 AM is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: western pa.
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skunks, coons have been taken with the pointed pellets. Non of these were more than 5 yds shots. Doves, etc I have taken out to 40yds with the wadcutters. I have also taken down possums with the wadcutter but what is needed is the ear to ear shot at about 4" from them. I understand the neighbors and backstop problem and is why I have used these myself. Penetration was greater with the pointed pellets. Believe me there are ears tuned to the sound of a pellet rifle going off when they can't even hear a car crash in front of their house...I know this for a fact. So, if you want to spend the money on a good pellet rifle, might as well get the 22 and shoot the pointed pellets at as close to ear to ear as you can get. Will get the job done.
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