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Old 11-30-2006, 09:17 PM
Spammy Spammy is offline
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 1,477
Bow hunting last week I broke my cv joint about 20 miles back on the Middle Fork.Some hunters were camping right where the truck broke.Wandering into their camp I asked if they had any duct tape?They craweled under my truck,looked and said"nope got some twine".All this with a straight face.I limped my truck back to base camp with the broken axel banging the lower swingarm all the way.I must have looked quit the rube.Twenty minutes into camp a jeep pulls in and its one of those bowhunters.He gave me a lift into town and back to camp.I guess you jeep owners are just slap happy.LOL
People around here are just very reserved.It's the western way.You get in an elevator in Boise no one says a word.In Brooklyn On a 4 story ride you would be best freind with everyone and probably have a few gals numbers I can tell you this.The freinds I've made here in Idaho are truly my freinds.What other buddy would come out to Lowman from Boise to help me skin my elk till twelve midnight.
I'm using my wifes truck while mine is being fixed,and no kidding everyone is waving at me.My wife keeps a beat up straw cowboy hat on her dash.That must be the secret squirell passcode.So get rid of those fuzzy dice and put in some gun racks
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