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Old 12-01-2006, 01:49 PM
rubicon rubicon is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: maryland
Posts: 530
OHHHHHHH PETEY, I wave to all jeeps (as long as they dont have square headlights- as I dont consider them real jeeps). seems the ones in the Commanders, with the Magellin , two car seats, a sticker that says SAVE BAMBI on the right rear bumper , a sticker on the tailgate which reads DONT KILL SMOKEY BEAR IN WESTERN MARYLAND and a bicycle rack are the ones who dont wave back. Actually some do wave back with the longest finger on their left hand (but i consider that a WEST VIRGINIA HOWDY)
And it seems your jeep definitely qualifies for a wave. I have found mud deters rust and dried blood and dog hair is a more appropriate Jeep scent than glade air fresheners.

my first jeep was a 54 station wagon and I wish I still had it!
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