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Old 12-07-2006, 12:18 AM
Andy L Andy L is offline
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Eldon Mo
Posts: 1,916
Oh, and dont expect much out of it as a coon gun either. I know a fella that is a big time coon hunter and says when he tried it, he ended up with jaws blown off, splashes on skulls and damaged hides. Several had to be shot with a 22lr after being knocked out by the HMR. They arent suited.

If you must shoot a coon with one, treat it like a coyote. Shoot it behind the shoulder, thru the ribcage. If you get lucky enough not to hit a rib bone, it might make jelly out of the heart and lungs and kill it eventually.

My little bit of first hand experience with HMR was not impressive. In September, I went prarie doggin. One of the fellas brought a hummer. It was a blast to shoot. We were knockin their heads off at ranges up to 150 yards. I shot one at 50 yards and hit it in the shoulder. It splashed. Splashed on a PD shoulder. Blew a big entry hole and DIDNT KILL the PD!! That should tell you enough. As fragile as those little things are, if a bullet actually splashes even once on a body shot, its not suited for coons, coyotes, bobcats or anything else of any size.
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