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Old 12-21-2006, 06:26 PM
wrenchman wrenchman is offline
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Baiting is real poppuler here in mich we youse lots of sweets and bread and dog food and meat scraps.
When you are baiting you will find the bears will tell you what they want most by chooseing to eat what they want the most.
The problim you will have is getting the bait and transporting it to were you are hunting you might want to look for a guide in the area that will be willing to bait for you.
Also in some cases you are restricted as to what you are allowed to use as bait like no meat or no pork scraps.
There are a few books that can help if you are interested.
I can give a few ideas what to use and were to get it baiting bear is back breaking work so when you talk to guides it is for that reasen and the cost of the bait.
As for there being bears in the area call the dnr in the area he should know and some of the best baits is grains and dog food pastres like donuts i like to keep the meat scrap low there is nothing like rotten meat smell when you are trying to hunt.
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