Just saw the post from ya TD
The guns were all overpressure problems. One of the bbls looked like a black snake that ate about 6 eggs. And no it wasn't plugged with mud. The guy killed a goose with the first shot and the second one just ruined the gun. The shell was compressed to about 3/4 in long half melted and the receiver was expanded... the bolt was ok except the extractor spring and plug were gone and the extractor cut in the bolt was expanded out of shape. One of the others was somewhat like this but the receiver was ok and the bbl was only slightly expanded. Luckily noone got hurt. I fixed one back up with new extractor etc and miked the bore etc and it was just a little out of whack. The guy took it to another gun shop the next day and traded it off. It had a slight bulge in the bbl just in front of the chamber. It also had a very short fired shell. The other two they never found the shell or the extractors. the receivers on both were bulged enough that they were unusable. One split the forend ...but it just came apart in the guys hand. BTW I found out late in December that one of the guns was sent to Remington and they accepted no responsibility but gave the guy a new gun. I don't know what story he told them though. BTW none of the guns had the classic look of a plugged bore. I've seen a few of them..even had one happen to a sport I was guiding once. He was one of those scary ones though. You know, the kind you make sure you don't EVER take out again!!
BTW maybe I should say..all were using either BB or BBB shot. 2 were 3 inch and 2 were 3 1/2 inchers. The one gun replaced was a 3 1/2 in Rem 11-87
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin