Thread: knifemaking?
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Old 03-20-2007, 05:37 PM
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BILLY D. BILLY D. is offline
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The Negretos(sp) in the Phillipines used to make them for us GI'S that were there for Jungle Survival School. They made them out of the leaf springs from vehicles. My Vietnamese counterparts used to look at my knife with envy.

I can tell you they worked great. I lost mine the 2nd trip to 'Nam. I don't know what the process was for forging the knives but they were sharp and held an edge through some pretty rigorous use. Opened a lot of ration cans that way. The most popular guy in the outfit was the one that had a "church" key and a p-38.

There are many books on knife making. Should you not choose to do so there is a knife maker in Alabama that I highly recommend. His name is Billy Watson. He also specializes in Damascus blades for traditionalist, old time, use. His work is of the highest quality. This gentleman is of the first order. He also makes Tomahawks.

To view some of his work go to

Best wishes, Bill
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