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Old 04-14-2007, 11:35 AM
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roundball roundball is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 190
Nice bird, 40yds, .20ga Flintlock

04/14/07 AM, chilly, overcast, sprinkling now and then at the small green field I went to, set up a Jake + 3 Hen decoys in the dark at 5:45am...the 3 hens ‘feeding’ towards the woods edge 10yds away just to the right of my line of fire towards the Jake set out at 40yds facing me.
No response to crow call or box call, never heard a gobble. Then at 8:30 three Jakes came out of the woods across the field and made a single file bee-line towards the Jake decoy...didn’t even bother with the hens...I guess they were going to kick his butt...the front Jake was a big bird, and the two behind were smaller.
And also at that moment the clouds opened a bit letting sunlight stream into the field and their feathers were absolutely gorgeous...knowing I had 2 tags, and never having taken a Turkey before, I wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth when I had a beard 40yds from the Flintlock’s muzzle.
When the lead Jake got a yard from the decoy he stopped abruptly realizing it wasn’t alive I guess. He / they straightened up tall and started looking around, I sat his head on the front bead and touched the set trigger, collapsed where he stood.
Weighed 15lbs, 5" beard, spurs were just showing less than ½ inch.

"Flintlocks.......The Real Deal"
(Claims that 1:48" twists won't shoot PRBs accurately are old wives tales!!)
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