Thread: PD bonanza?
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Old 06-22-2007, 08:25 PM
270man 270man is offline
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Question PD bonanza?

Fellow PD (and other varmints) shooters:

Please give me your experiences/opinions regarding the number of shots at prairie dogs in one day. Here's the deal -- A friend of mine says he sometimes fired 500 rounds at PDs in a single day back in his home state. I just read a published article by a guy associated with Hornady where he says he has experienced 1000-round PD outings several times.

I"m a bit skeptical but won't argue with anyone who has actually done this or witnessed such a shooting bonanza. If a hunter begins shooting at 7am and continues until 7pm, he has spent 12 hours in the field. That is exactly 720 minutes. 500 PDs calculates to one shot at a PD approximately every 1-1/2 minutes. For 1000 shots, the shooter must fire a round every 0.7 minutes (every 43 seconds).

If you throw in breaks for lunch, calls of nature, moving to a new PD town, etc., then the shooter has to fire even more often to get in the 500 or 1000 rounds. Another post on this forum says that the hunter fired 200 rounds or more. 200 rounds is believable and plenty enough shooting to make me envious.

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