Although I have never shot a thousand rounds at PD's in one day. I have shot over 1300 rounds of 12 ga in one day...more than one time, too. Used to shoot pigeons in towns and at grain elevators. It was the best way to get rid of the pesky critters. We got paid to do it. Not a lot but the shells were free and we shot 'em. Most pigeons 4 of us ever killed in one day was 3900. Yep..it was a JOB!! But somebody had to do it. And shooting over a 1000 12 ga shells is a real chore. In a 10 yr period I shot over 600,000 shells(well over). So it should be fairly easy to shoot 1000 rounds of (relatively) light recoiling varmint rounds in one day if you have the targets and the inclination to do so. I have a Bushmaster varminter(very accurate by the way) and the biggest chore with it is loading the mags. It is very easy to shoot. Also, it is very easy to shoot 10 rounds in a short period of time without heating the bbl up to any great degree..and then go to another rifle for a bit. My largest caliber I use for varmints is a 243 Ruger #1..but it heats up rather quickly.
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin