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Old 07-07-2007, 07:59 PM
shooterjon shooterjon is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Twin Falls,Idaho
Posts: 69
Red face

Some of you may have followed the recent threads here and here.These threads express concerns about proposed revisions to OSHA standards that according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation would effectively shut down the small arms ammunition industry.

I have spoken with both Browning and Hornady today concerning this issue AND IT IS VERY REAL. If this revision of standards is allowed to proceed, WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO BUY AMMO OR RELOADING COMPONANTS.

This is an e-mail I received just a few minutes ago from Kirk Jenson at Browning:

Hello John,

The VP of Research and Development along with one of our designers just returned from the semi-annual SAAMI meetings. Yes, it is true. I was going to send you a copy of the NSSF bulletin, but I see you have received it already. It is spelled out exactly like we were debriefed earlier. Hopefully the NRA will fight this with all of their strength. We have been urging everyone to call their congressmen to air their views. This revision would cripple if not completely destroy our industry. It is just the next way they are trying to put us out of business. I guess they figure if they can not get rid of the firearms, then get rid of the ammunition.

Best regards,


If you follow the link above to the NSSF website, they have a boilerplate letter and/or the heading that has to be on any communication regarding the proposed revisions.

This link will let you find out who your representative in the House is. Click on their name and you should find contact information.

This link will take you to the Senate website where you can get the contact info for your senators.

This a copy of the e-mail I'm sending to my Reps and Senators. Feel free to copy and paste, modify whatever. If you want to copy and paste this post to put into any other forums you may visit, hit the "quote" button (so links will be copied) and copy and paste it.

Dear (Senator or Congressman) [fill in the blank],

I am very concerned about changes to standards concerning small arms ammunition proposed by OSHA (Docket No. OSHA20070032, Request to Extend Public Comment Period and Request for Hearing on "Significant Regulatory Action" as Defined in Executive Order 12866).

These changes will have the effect of crippling or killing the small arms ammunition industry and the consumer firearms industry soon afterward. As such this can only be viewed as a backdoor attempt to take away my Second Amendment rights.

I urge you to take whatever action is needed to ensure that these proposed revisions are not allowed to be enacted.

Time is of the essence, since the period of public comment expires on July 12.

Respectfully Yours,
[your name and contact info]

Last edited by shooterjon; 07-08-2007 at 10:22 PM.
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