Originally posted by Gunslingergirl
It will be interesting to see what the new rule that they propose turns out to be.
Still, I'd say the collective voice of hunters was heard on this one.
Do you know the definition of the word Fanatic.
Thats someone whose initial propsal goes down in flames so they re-double their efforts.
Like you I am anxious to see the new proposal. I can almost see their concern over powder and such falling into the wrong hands. Howsome ever the terrorists seem to be able to build bombs without having to buy manufactured powders etc. Look at Oklahoma City and the first incident at the WTC. The thig is the terrorists and illegal aliens can supply more ID paper work than the law allows. So what does documentation prove?
For a small price you could drive to Califonicate and purchase a drivers permit, green card and a Social Security Card in a matter of minutes.
Their original proposal STUNK to high heaven.
Best wishes, Bill