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Old 08-08-2007, 10:54 PM
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fabsroman fabsroman is offline
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Anybody can sue anybody, plain and simple. Petey, if I meet somebody on this chatboard and they kill me, my wife could sue you. Of course, she probably wouldn't win, but she could sue you nonetheless. Kind of like people suing Remington after they pull the trigger and kill their buddy because the trigger was too light at 4 lbs. Hence, Remington's 7 lb trigger. LOL Don't know exactly what the poundage of the Remington trigger is, so don't go jumping down my throat.

As long as the stuff being shipped/sold isn't a gun, does it really matter? And even if it is a gun, just because you facilitate it doesn't mean you are in charge of the transaction. How many people sue e-bay when they don't get their goods? Probably zero, with the exception of the $200 and $2,000 guarantee, which needs an attorney just to figure the darn thing out. An auction website is never taking possession of the goods. It merely charges the seller a fee to list the goods.

What happens if somebody sends a gun to a terrorist on this site as a result of the "Swap & Shop" forum? You could be in a heap of trouble for that one!!!!!!! LOL
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