Thread: New bow
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Old 09-05-2007, 12:31 PM
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hoyt gamemaster

great bow...larry d jones now shoots you're aware of, you can shoot from the shelf or an elevated rest fingers, glove or tab etc.

another option you might wish to consider is using a mechanical release aid. the hoyt will gladly work wonderfully with a release aid, too. (arthritis in my hand/fingers dictates i use a release aid)

i use a mechanical release aid, no sights, fast flite, flemish twist string, a stabilizer, blackhawk vapor carbon arrows tipped with magnus 125 gr broadheads and a NAP center rest flipper elevated rest with my gamemaster. the combination works very well for me.

i also installed DAS limb pads to help quietening.

some folks have a hard time accepting metal handle 'traditional' bows but they, in fact, work very well and have been around a long time.
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